joining the lab

How to become part of our group

Graduate Students

We currently have funding for at least one graduate student! We are involved in three Graduate School Programs. Please click on the link below for more details on how to apply for these programs. If you are already in the program and interested in rotating, please reach out directly to Aaron Mickle via email.

Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences (IDP) at the Medical College of Wisconsin

Neuroscience Doctoral Program (NDP) at the Medical College of Wisconsin

The Marquette University and Medical College of Wisconsin Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program

Current potential projects include:

Sensory role of urothelial cells

Bladder function and spinal cord injury

Lab Retreat 2023.

Postdoctoral Positions

Our dynamic team at the Medical College of Wisconsin is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to join our group studying mechanisms of bladder sensation, interoception, and pain. The candidate would have the opportunity to lead studies involving signaling between nociceptors and non-neuronal cells in models of interstitial cystitis and bladder pain. They would have the opportunity to learn a variety of techniques from animal behavior, cytometric testing, electrophysiology, fMRI, and optogenetics. Additionally, there are resources available to initiate independent projects with the aim of building an independent research career. Interested applicants can reach out to Aaron Mickle directly through email More information about the lab can be found at

Firoj Alom, a postdoc in the lab, presented his poster at SFN 2023.

Undergraduate Research

We actively support undergraduate research. If you are an undergraduate in Milwaukee and want to work in the lab during the semester, please reach out via email. Summer Research Programs are the best way to get involved in research as they provide an extended full-time research experience that pays you!

Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) at the Medical College of Wisconsin

Nia Dufeal, an undergraduate researcher, presents her research at CVM PhiZeta Research Day 2023.