
lab news

Jun 01, 2024 Dr. Mickle was recently interviewed for an article on brain bladder interactions and how urine urgency is perceived. Read Here
Apr 29, 2024 The lab is moving to the Medical College of Wisconsin
Apr 25, 2024 Congratulations to Gabbie Robilotto for winning 2nd best poster presentation for graduate students and Firoj Alom, who won third place in the postdoc category at the annual UF CVM Phi Zeta Research Day. Way to go!
Mar 07, 2024 Congrats to Drs. Firoj Alom and Sabhya Rana on their co-first author publication in eLife! We show evidence that AMPA receptors play a key role in bladder function. Additionally, we show convincingly that AMPA allosteric activators can ameliorate many of the subacute defects in bladder and external urethral sphincter function following SCI, including prolonged voiding intervals and high bladder pressure thresholds for voiding. These valuable results in rodents may help in the development of these agents as therapeutics for humans with SCI-induced bladder dysfunction.
Aug 25, 2023 Dr. Mickle, an assistant professor in the department of Physiological Sciences at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, has been awarded the 2023 University of Florida Excellence Award for Assistant Professors, a campus-wide achievement and top honor for junior faculty.
Jul 11, 2023 New publication on the communication between sensory neurons and urothelial cells
Jun 22, 2023 Dr. Mickle was recently on the  College of Veterinary Medicine Voice Podcast, talking about the lab’s research into new approaches for understanding and treating bladder pain syndrome. Interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS) affects millions of Americans, and current treatment options are ineffective for many patients. In this podcast, Aaron Mickle Ph.D tells us about his project that aims to determine the role of angiotensin signaling in developing and maintaining disease symptoms of IC/BPS using animal models. These results could open up new FDA- approved treatments with widely available and safe angiotensin inhibitors, substantially impacting patients’ quality of life. Listen Here
May 02, 2023 Firoj Alom, AUA Research Scholar 2022-2024, presented his work on viral transduction of external urethral sphincter at AUA 2024. Congrats Firoj.
Caption photos easily. On the left, Firoj presents his poster. Middle, Firoj is giving an oral presentation. Right, Aaron, speaking at the AUA symposium.
Aaron Mickle presented in the Basic Science Symposium “ New Developments in Understanding and Treating Pelvic Pain”.  This symposium was highlighted in the AUA Daily News